Our Story
The Journey to Landing Places
In our professional journeys, opportunities to connect deeply about the most important questions and challenges are few and far between. They are usually treated as afterthoughts rather than essential to our professional and personal growth. White supremacy culture roots us in urgency rather than connection, coherence rather than sitting with challenging questions, and to-do lists that keep us from slowing down and checking in with ourselves and each other. In the rare moments when we have time to reflect on the complexities of our work, many of us struggle. Slowing down is not a habit we have much practice with. And yet, there are so many questions to wrestle with—questions about who we are, how we show up, and how our actions affect our communities. We need time and collective processes to explore these questions. How might our communities shift if we created and attended to practices of slowing down and landing together?
To land requires courage, courage to do something different when everything around us moves so fast. Our work at Landing Places makes space for curiosity, compassion (for ourselves and others), and truth-telling.
To grow and transform, we must land.
Liza Gleason
It was only when Liza left the classroom to pursue an educational doctorate that she was able to find the spaces and structures needed to explore her big questions. Since finishing her research, which focused on white women teachers, she has been dedicated to helping people in institutions develop practices and habits for deep, reflective learning. She now works with people outside of schools as well because no matter what our daily work looks like, we all need landing places to process who we are, how we became who we are, and how we show up.